Saturday, April 15, 2006


Last week at his request I met with Chris to study the Bible, which he's never done before. As I was trying to explain the difference between the Old Testament and the New Testament he said something interesting. "It's like the difference between Newtonian physics and modern physics." Hmm... I believe this topic has come up on this website on occasion! See!? I'm not the only nerd geeky enough to use modern physics for analogies. He quoted what he heard from the gospel of Matthew on the Bible on tape I loaned him "I have not come to abolish the law, but to fulfill it." Newton's laws of physics weren't really wrong, they were just incomplete. Hmm, so Einstein didn't come to abolish Newtonian physics, but to... um, fulfill complete... it...???

This is what happens when you get a couple of technogeeks studying the Bible!

The analogy breaks down pretty fast if you try to take it any deeper. So, um... don't try to take it any deeper. ;-)


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